
This Certified Training (CT) offers a journey through the entire project life cycle (PLC) with SCOs (Simplified cost Options). The training requires a bit of study and preparation at home, several self-organized team meetings, participation up to 5 interactive online meetings and finally the attendance to a two-days in person meeting. The two-days meeting is all about working in small groups, exchanging, discussing and learning in different settings solving tasks related to SCOs along the PLC. You will act and understand in different roles to better understand the perspectives and interests of the parties involved in developing and implementing an SCO system. Yes, it is a bit of a roleplay: we think that playful ways of learning are fun and they are for sure quite effective and efficient.

Who is it for? 

 This training might be interesting for you in case:

  • You have practical experience with SCOs since your programme is using a fair number of it or/and you’d like to understand more about it;
  • You have completed our Certified Training on SCO foundations and you want to go beyond that;
  • Your new role in your job requires a broad knowledge and understanding of SCOs.

Overall learning objective

By the end of the training, participants will:

  • gain a practical experience how to choose and justify different SCOs tailored to programme needs and capabilities;
  • expand their knowledge on different SCOs combinations;
  • be able to locate different resources of knowledge and experiences of SCOs application;
  • expand their skills on how to work with SCOs at all stages of the project life cycle (communication to applicants, assessing project proposals with SCOs, implementing SCOs, verifying and auditing SCOs).


Please find the agenda here

Before you register

If you want to register, please double check if you can complete all the steps, especially the in-person training.

The number of participants is limited to 25 people. If you are not sure that you will have the time to do everything or if you will be able to travel, please do not register.

We will organise this training again, as many times as there is interest, so sooner or later you will have the opportunity to complete it and to do it right.

Please make sure that your details in Interact database are updated and correct.  
Why? Because these are the details that will appear on your certificate of completion at the end of the training.

Course Duration: Grzegorz Golda
Archive course: Grzegorz Golda
Postpone course: Grzegorz Golda
Skill Level: Grzegorz Golda
Contact person: Grzegorz Golda
Hide course content tab in the registration page: Grzegorz Golda
Travel included: Grzegorz Golda
Type of certified training: Grzegorz Golda
Enrolment Approval Email Message: Grzegorz Golda
Enrolment Rejection Email Message: Grzegorz Golda
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