This certified training is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of SCOs, including their types, advantages and disadvantages, when to go for which type of SCO, and the regulatory requirements. Different combinations of SCOs and practical examples will also be explored to further enhance participants' undestanding. By the end of the training, the participants will have been given the essence of SCOs theory and practical tips regarding SCOs implementation issues.
Who is it for?
If you are a beginner in the field of SCOs, this certified training is for you! It is designed for staff members from various programme bodies such as managing authorities, joint secretariats, controllers and audit authorities, seeking fundamental knowledge about SCOs.
Overall learning objective
After completing the training, you will have become familiar with working with SCOs across all stages of the project life cycle. This includes effectively communicating SCOs to beneficiaries, assessing project proposals with SCOs, implementing SCOs, and verification and auditing processes related to SCOs.
Click here to view the agenda.
Before you register
If you want to register, please double check if you can complete all the steps. If you are not sure , please do not register.
The number of participants is limited to 25 people. However we will organise this training again so sooner or later you will have the opportunity to take the complete training.
Please note
This certified training will only be delivered if enough relevant persons have registered. This is to ensure that the group work designed gives the maximum benefit to all participants.
Please make sure that your details in Interact database are updated and correct.
Why? Because these are the details that will appear on your certificate of completion at the end of the training.